The digitization of the logistics sector offers multiple tools to supervise the transfer of products, avoiding paperwork and, above all, ensuring the handling of information at all times during the process.
The emergence of the pandemic caused an unprecedented digital acceleration throughout the world. And of course, the logistics sector was not exempt from this explosive transformation directed towards the cloud and big data, as a tool to expedite the sector's own procedures and thus provide operational continuity to the different processes.
In this sense, understanding how data intelligence works is key to understanding that when it comes to users who import and export, the information they handle during cargo transportation is the essence of the business and knowing how to protect that information is the quid of prosperity in the commercial operation.
This is how KLog.co stands out on the map as a 100% digital logistics platform with the highest cybersecurity standards, which provides a complete tool for anyone who needs to import, whether they are large companies, SMEs or an individual who is just starting a business.
“The main concern of our users, regardless of their size, is the protection of their information, and that is that at the logistics level we handle data about their suppliers, customers, commercial invoices, packing lists, and endless data that are the support of their businesses and that we transcribe to the platform in an encrypted way, avoiding the existence of vulnerabilities in their security” Explains Roberto Katz, Executive Director of KLog.co, who adds that, “the focus of the platform is to use technology as a tool valid to help and guide each client's data to be used intelligently and above all safely ”
In a digitalized world like the one we live in, cyber threats increased 605% during the second half of last year, according to data from the digital security company McAfee. And it is that not being prepared for the forced digital acceleration to which we were exposed, gave rise to cybercriminals taking advantage of any security breach to make their own in all areas, including transport and logistics.
In this way, at KLog.co they are clear that technology is a path of no return, where you cannot stop and you have to know how to move forward at all times, "this is why our security is not just about having the latest cybersecurity program on the market, but rather consists of an investment of man-hours and money to be at the forefront of data protection, which is something that is constantly evolving, as are the different cyber-threats that arise on a daily basis”. Robert explains.
The platform follows a clear and close sequence, anyone can search for rates and itineraries in a very similar way as if they were purchasing a plane ticket and, in addition, fully track their cargo in real time. Likewise, the platform will soon allow any importer, without the need to buy freight with them, to use it as a valid tool to track their cargo during the course of its logistics performance, with the best traceability and the greatest security of market data.
"The control and permissions that each user has to access the platform is an added value that only KLog.co offers its clients, ensuring the protection of their information at all times." Katz ends.
We present you the new way of living international cargo transport
KLog.co is the leading technology company for international cargo transportation in Latin America, which through its digital solution has managed to provide complete visibility and control of the import and export process for companies of all sizes.
Through KLog's intuitive digital platform, all the steps to bring or send a container are merged. Users gain full manageability and visibility of cargo transportation. They can book integrated logistics services online, track real-time, and measure shipment performance to optimize future shipments.
KLog.co today has more than 4,000 clients with operations throughout the Latin American region and hundreds of agents around the world. Their offices are located in Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Mexico and they are in the process of opening offices in Colombia and Panama.
Learn more at KLog.co